The volunteers at the Colorado Talking Book Library know how gratifying it is to help others experience the joy of reading. CTBL prepares and mails out thousands of Braille, large print and audiobooks daily to our patrons. We make it possible for them to stay informed and connected to the world.

Volunteer reviewing an audio book. Picture is also a link to a video about CTBL created by one of our volunteers


Studio and Post Production

Help produce and edit Talking Books, creating a more enjoyable reading experience for our patrons.

Studio Volunteer: With the support and guidance of our studio director, volunteers use professional quality sound equipment to produce high-quality digital recordings of selected books. Please note that an audition is required for the position of narrator.

Audiobook Production Volunteer: Help us digitize and enhance the quality of our locally produced talking books. Volunteers work with our audio team to edit and produce audiobooks.

Library Services and Circulation

Cataloguer: Assist staff with updating and maintaining catalog records using an electronic catalog. This is an excellent position for book-lovers who appreciate careful, precise, and accurate entries that make it possible for readers to quickly find the right book.

Technical Services: Support our staff in a variety of technical services that range from collating materials for packets, to detailed computer work.

Circulation Assistant: Help staff to process all the Braille, large print, and talking books that are circulated each day.

Pioneer Supported Projects

Brailler Service & Repair: Volunteers service and repair manual Braille Writers. They assess the overall condition of the machine, cleaning and lubricating all moving parts, replacing broken or malfunctioning parts and restoring the Brailler’s functionality.

Beep Ball: Help our Pioneer group assemble the beep ball components in a safe and fun atmosphere. Volunteers are provided with a well-equipped workroom where they work as a team to assemble beep ball components.

Volunteer Services

Our Library also needs support to publicize our services, assist with special events, and much more! If you love customer relations, are proficient in Braille, or would like to share your skills in a fun and engaging community, check these opportunities out:

Outreach Ambassador: Help us spread the word out about all our services by contacting community agencies, to inform them of the services we offer and to provide informational packets of materials to distribute in their community.

Customer Service: Be the first point of contact for new patrons and family members. We contact each new patron to welcome them to our library and help them learn how to use all the services we offer.

A complete list of Volunteer Opportunities can be found at: Opportunity Menu

How to join our team:

If you would like to be part of our team and help provide books to people who love to read, please complete a Volunteer Application. For additional information about the Volunteer Team contact Terri M at 303-727-9277 or

Volunteer Information Center
(login page for current volunteers)