Descriptive Movies
Descriptive movies describe the visual elements of a movie, narrating the action, characters, locations, and costumes without interfering with the dialogue or other sound elements.
CTBL offers movies in the following formats: DVD or Blu-ray. DVDs will be prefaced by MD before the ID number and Blu-rays by MB. CTBL does not provide equipment to view any of these movies. Only patrons of the library may borrow movies.
- Please visit the CTBL WEB OPAC to order descriptive movies online.
- Alphabetical lists of available movie titles are available in PDF format using the links below:
There will be a replacement charge of $25 for each lost or damaged movie as they are the property of the Colorado Talking Book Library.
Please respect the following loan procedures:
- Videos will be loaned for 1 month, no renewals.
- You may borrow only one movie at a time.
- You will need to return the movie you have in order to borrow another one.
- CTBL will not place movies on reserve - they will be sent only when they are available.
- Movies will be sent Free Matter for the Blind or Handicapped.
- Return the movie by turning the address card so that the library's address is facing up. No postage is required.
- If checking out a VHS tape, please rewind the videotape before returning it to the library.
- Do not put handwritten notes in the movie container.
- If there is a problem with the movie, mark the defective tape box on the mailing card.
Remember, if you break it, you buy it! You will be charged $25 for each damaged or lost movie!
If you have any questions about the movies or other Colorado Talking Book Library services, call the Library at 303-727-9277 or, toll free, in-state at 800-685-2136.
We hope you enjoy your descriptive movie viewing.