Colorado Collection

Catalog of Colorado Titles

To get a complete listing of books available in the Colorado Collection, go to the Basic Search Page for our online catalog. In the "Search for" box, type Colorado Collection. Then select the "Submit" button to start the search. This will pull up a listing of all the books we have in the local collection. 

Listing of Titles

These titles were recorded by volunteers at CTBL. These books may be ordered by calling the library at either 303-727-9277 or 1-800-685-2136 (toll-free, in-state only) or through our online catalog. Titles that have been converted to a digital format will be available for download through BARD. 

NOTE: Many of these files have been converted to a digital format and have a new book number but will still be searchable by title. However some titles will no longer be available if the master files have been damaged in any way.

Each link below will open a PDF file of the books added to the Colorado Collection during the year listed. The books are in alphabetical order by title.