If you, or someone you know are not able to enjoy books or magazines because: you cannot see well enough to read conventional print; if a physical disability prevents you from handling the printed materials; or a reading disability causes you to be unable to read you may want to take advantage of the free services offered by the Colorado Talking Book Library (CTBL).
CTBL provides postage-free audio, braille, and large print library materials to eligible residents in Colorado. Apply for this free service today.
- Adults
- Children
- Spanish Application PDF
- Organizational Application PDF
- Department of Corrections and Division of Youth Services
- Institutional Resident Application PDF
Application Checklist
- Your application is completely filled out
- You have the appropriate signature
- Please mail, fax, or email the application to the Colorado Talking Book Library (For email, you must scan the application with a signature on the front page, we cannot accept electronic signatures.)
Note: Some documents on this page are made available in the Adobe Acrobat PDF format. Download Adobe Acrobat Reader Software for free.