This page contains audio versions of brochures and other documents from various public service agencies in Colorado.
- Colorado Climate Guide by Mike Nelson, Chief Meteorologist for Channel 7 News
- Colorado Driver Handbook by Colorado Department of Motor Vehicles.
- Disability Preparedness for Users of Service Animals, by Interagency Coordinating Council on Emergency Preparedness and Individuals with Disabilities is an audio version of the website offering tips and resources for users of service animals in creating an emergency preparedness plan.
- Disaster Preparedness for Pets, by The Humane Society, provides an audio version of the website giving tips for preparing an emergency preparedness plan for your pets.
- Home Care Guide...Providing Care At Home During Pandemic Flu, by Colorado Department of Health. A 70 page guide to caring for your family members at home during a pandemic outbreak of the flu.
- Pack A Kit, by Ready Colorado, gives a list of essential items to have on hand in the event of a disaster
- Pandemic Flu, by Ready Colorado, provides tips on how to be ready when a pandemic flu virus strikes
- Plan for Pets, by Ready Colorado, lists steps to take to ensure pets are planned for in the case of a disaster
- Preparing for Disasters for People with Disabilities and other Special Needs, by American Red Cross, walks you through the steps of having an emergency plan in the case of a disaster
- Preparing Makes Sense for People with Disabilities and Special Needs, by Homeland Security, offers advice on what to do in an emergency situation
- Saving the Whole Family, by the American Veterinary Medical Association, plans for the safety of your pets during an emergency.